12th Annual Golf Classic

By Christian Cultural Center (other events)

Monday, October 1 2018 8:30 AM 5:30 PM EST

CCC Celebrity Golf Classic 2018

On Monday, October 1, 2018, we will host the 12th Annual CCC Celebrity Golf Classic at Bethpage State Park - Historic Green Course  This year, proceeds will benefit Community2Community (C2C)- a wonderful, non-profit service organization whose vision-mission is "creating self-sufficient communities by working with the community".

Based in Brooklyn, New York, C2C was created in 2010.  They launched the Haïti Restoration and Transformation Pilot Project, in collaboration with two peasant assocoiations in the town of Petit Goâve, to improve the quality of life for two underserved communities located in southern Haïti.  This collaboration promotes and fosters community sustainability and self-sufficency.  After building a model with the peasant associations of their partner communities, their goal is to replicate the pilot project to other parts of Haïti, and to assist other international communities in need as well.  For the past seven years, C2C has been working with their partner communities in Petit Goâve to develop long-term, sustainable solutions to help them get on the road to self-sufficiency by investing in economic development opportunities to help support their plans to improve their living conditions, educational opportunities and healthcare access.  The pilot project initiatives include:

The Water Distribution System Initiatve to provide clean water; 2 of the 4 phases completed
The Reforestation Initiative with 14,000 seedlings planted by the community to date to support agroforestry
The Goat Inititatve with 40 families supplied to date to support sustainable farming
The Education Initiative to build a permanent school to educate 300 children and their parents

As you can see from their accomplishments, your contributions will have a great impact for positive change.  Your participation would be greatly appreciated as we continue to use the game of golf as a tool to help others.

With warm regards,

Pastors A.R. & Karen Bernard
Christian Cultural Center

For More Information Please Call:
Arnold Marshe 917-453-6284
Carlton Mitchell 917-763-3971

OR EMAIL: [email protected]



 8:30 am Registration

9:00 am Breakfast

10:00 am Driving Range

11:00 am Shotgun Shot 

On Course Barbecue Lunch

5:30 pm Awards Dinner